środa, 5 marca 2014

European trademark search

If someone else has already registered your mark, it is not available. You can save time and money by searching for marks that could conflict with yours before you apply. In the European Union (EU) there are more than million registered trade marks.

EUIPO is the European Union Intellectual Property Office responsible for managing the EU trade mark and the registered Community design. Please enable JavaScript to view the page content.

Don’t leave successful trademark registration to chance. Order a preliminary search from us today. While preliminary trademark searches are a critical part of. UK, we’d like to know more about your visit today. We’ll send you a link to a feedback form.

It will take only minutes to fill in. We provide access to the largest single source of technical information in the world: our databases containing millions of patent documents. Also, these libraries have CD-ROMs containing the database.

This allows you to see what already exists, find out about technical aspects of your competitors’ work or spot trends in technology. List of information about Trade marks. UK uses cookies which are essential for the site to work. Based on this registration you will be able to take action against third parties who use a similar or identical trademark without your permission.

We also file in other countries. Trademark registration services European Union. Trade mark protection in the EU Trade mark registration is one of the most effective ways to build and defend a brand. In Europe, trade marks can be registered at national level as a national trade mark or at EU-level as a European Union trade mark. A trademark (also written trade mark or trade-mark) is a type of intellectual property consisting of a recognizable sign, design, or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others, although trademarks used to identify services are usually called service marks.

The trademark owner can be an individual, business organization, or any legal entity. Is a European trademark availability search before filing advisable? What are the advantages of a CTM registration over other ways of registration? Status, documents, and certificates. Detailed online report Identifies any matches with all the information you need to strategize your next step.

However, in order to know the availability of your trademark before officially filing a new trademark in European Union, it is highly recommended that you should conduct the trademark search. Registered European Union Trade Marks are protected in all Member States the EU.

The Office will undertake a search on receipt of a written request accompanied by the appropriate fee (currently €30). A search is made in the National Trade Mark database and the European Union Trade Mark database. WELCOME Welcome to the European Patent Register, the place to find procedural and legal status data on patent applications handled by the European Patent Office.

Search term(s) Tooltip Clear. If this is the first time you are consulting. The website has been created to provide European and foreign users with useful and accurate information about the European Union trademark Registration system. We are European Union registered Attorneys authorized to provide trademark legal services in front EUIPO ( European Union Intellectual Property Office).

This patent search tool allows you not only to search the PCT database of about million International Applications but also the worldwide patent collections. Enable Javascript for Better Performance. Owners of a prior national trademark in any member state of the European Union may oppose the application for your European Union trademark.

Therefore, it is recommended to conduct a trademark search in the European Union before applying for a European Union trademark. The opposition period is months, starting on the publication date. A trademark registration is valid for years from the application date and may be renewed for an indefinite amount of further periods each of years. The result: more relevant and less brand risk.

An initiative of the European Commission.

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