wtorek, 19 sierpnia 2014

Eu trademark search

If someone else has already registered your mark, it is not available. You can save time and money by searching for marks that could conflict with yours before you apply. In the European Union ( EU ) there are more than million registered trade marks. Please enable JavaScript to view the page content.

UK, we’d like to know more about your visit today.

We’ll send you a link to a feedback form. It will take only minutes to fill in. Learn more on the to TEAS and TEASi page. Don’t leave successful trademark registration to chance. Order a preliminary search from us today.

While preliminary trademark searches are a critical part of. UK uses cookies which are essential for the site to work. The WIPO Lex database is a comprehensive search tool that allows you to search international treaties and national laws on intellectual property.

Also, these libraries have CD-ROMs containing the database. General remarks The indications of goods or services appearing in the class headings are general indications relating to the fields to which, in principle, the goods or services belong. The Alphabetical List should therefore be consulted in order to ascertain the exact classification of each individual product or service. In fact, we have over decades experience in the trademark field!

We also file in other countries. We search all relevant trademark registers: national trademarks (e.g. German trademarks), IR trademarks (internationally registered trademarks by WIPO), EUIPO ( EU trademark ) etc. Is an Internet search not enough? A professional similarity search uses special software technology that also finds similar trademarks in sound and writing.

Trademark registration services European Union. Step 3: Registration Certificate: Issuance of the trademark registration certificate and forwarding the documentation to the client. A report with the trademark registration details is included. A trade mark is a sign which distinguishes the goods and services of one company from those of another. Trade mark protection in the EU What are trade marks?

As indicators of business origin, trade marks can be words, logos, devices or other distinctive features, or a combination of these. A trademark application shall be rejected by the EUIPO in whole or in part if it does not meet the examined requirements. Search for a case on the European Court of Justice website.

The costs for the EU trademark application are not refunded. This means that when you apply for an EU trademark , a search is done in all EU countries to check that your trademark satisfies the legal provisions for registration. Enable Javascript for Better Performance. Check trademark availability for free What you get by ordering a free seacrh. Our services (search, register and watch) are all offered separately, although we highly recommend all three services if you seriously want to protect your trademark in the European Union.

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With this order form we deliver an availability search for similar pending or registered trademarks in European Union ( EU ). The report contains a statement from a lawyer specialised in trademark law regarding the registrability of a trademark and the risk of collision with trademarks already registered. A trademark registration is valid for years from the application date and may be renewed for an indefinite amount of further periods each of years. The coexistence and balance of trade mark systems at national and Union level in fact constitutes a cornerstone of the. We provide access to the largest single source of technical information in the world: our databases containing millions of patent documents.

This allows you to see what already exists, find out about technical aspects of your competitors’ work or spot trends in technology. Visit our website for more information about international trademark registration. The Office shall, at the request of the applicant for the EU trade mark when filing the application, draw up a European Union search report (‘EU search report’) citing those earlier EU trade marks or EU trade mark applications discovered which may be invoked under Article against the registration of the EU trade mark applied for.

In the EU trademark database eSearch plus, you can find information about registered or pending EU trademarks, in other words trademarks that are valid in all EU Member States. The database is provided by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

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